Monday, May 30, 2011

Long Pross-A Story


We have a story to share with you. Remember this is a site where people's life stories are valued and cherished. YOUR story is valued and cherished. The power of the story is something that I feel like I learned to appreciate in college. I realized as I was reading what felt like thousands of books written by authors from hundreds of years ago, that their stories were timeless. There is a reason people still read the classics-somehow they relate to these stories. Themes such as faith, love, war, self respect and the search for identity is something that we all want to learn about. So today I bring you the story of fellow sister Long Pross.

Nicholas Kristof is doing the interview. Clocking in at only 5 minutes long, her story changed me more than some 2 hour lecture ever has. I encourage you to listen to Long Poss's story and to try and connect. This is real. It is happening in this big world and we MUST not ignore stories such as this but show our friends and family that we can make a difference. Love is a powerful action. We must enlarge our capacity to love women like Long Pross and our fellow sisters who need out help.

I know at first the video is very sad. The truth is Long Pross had a devastating story-but I want to focus on the end...She had HOPE. In the beginning we see a young woman that is what seems to be broken. But by the end I realize that she gathered all the bravery she could to tell her story just so that it could help someone else. She sacrificed her comfort to help another woman that could be in a position like she was.

I have to tell you when I see her at the end doing her studies I see such a beauty. I see a strong, capable, powerful world changer. When Long Pross did this interview did she know that it would be a top video clip on YouTube and people would be blogging about her calling her a world changer and heroine? I don't think so. I think that you will agree with me that she is all these things and more...

Just like Long Pross-your story matters. Whether you know it or not your story can change the way someone looks about life or themselves. It does not matter what your story is, someone will connect with it. We are more alike than we think. I encourage you to be brave and courageous like Long Pross.I also wanted to highlight her rescuers in this story. They took Long Pross in and have been teaching her how to live and how to make a future. It is organizations like that, that set the precedent of how we should be dealing with horrific situations like this.

I do not know if Long Pross will ever see this blog post, but I have to hope that one day she does. Long Pross if you someday read this I want to thank you. Thank You for sharing your story to a 22 year old woman from California that will forever be changed by your words, your courage, your beauty and your strength. Your capacity to turn something so horribly wrong into hope and vision is both astounding and inspiring. I feel blessed to have come across your interview and you will be a part of my prayers. I look forward to the day you own your business and continue to use your voice to change the world. 

Friends, have a great day today. If you ever feel like sharing your story, please email never know who it might help. Also if you would like to share anything, anything at all, whether it be an interview you saw, or an article that Her Voice Is may be interested in please pass it on! 

Passionate Story-Teller,


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Nicholas D. Kristof-Hero

Hello my passionate friends!

I hope your memorial weekend is going amazing. The last post Her Voice Is did something a little different. We highlighted a male music artist who was seriously projecting a very similar voice to our own. It was so exciting because I think we sometimes forget that there are men out there fighting for our cause, which is valuing the voice of women and treating them with fairness and the respect that they deserve. I think we as women need to make sure not to take on a hyper-feminist attitude that scorns the male population. The fact is that men are just as wonderful as women and their voice is just as important if not vital to this cause of raising awareness. What better way to prove the there are GREAT, WONDERFUL men out there that desire women to be a solution and support and encourage a movement of women with purpose and hope, than to show the blog community that these men are out there!

I have definitely seen and read about the horrific situations that some men have placed our fellow sisters in, but I have been EXTREMELY blessed and honored to know and have men, like my husband and father, in my life that have shown their desire to see women be treated like the amazing, caring, beautiful world changers that they are. It is important to hear stories of our sisters, but I think it is healthy and wise to hear about brothers that are fighting for us as well. We are not two enemies. This will only work and be rectified if we come together and fight this side by side. Our enemy is injustice. Plain and simple. We hate what is wrong and we do everything we can to turn hateful, ugly situations into something beautiful and filled with hope. Never forget there is hope.

Which brings me to introduce Nick Kristof, co-author with his wife Cheryl WuDunn of epic book Half the Sky. Below is a short clip of the book and purpose behind his mission. Take a look.

Ever since I read this life changing book, I have been fascinated by Nicholas Kristof and his mission to bring solutions to women's humanitarian issues around the world. I think it is wonderful and necessary to see a man who not only reports on the issues but as you can see in the video below he LIVES and BREATHES and EXPERIENCES what these women are going through. This is so vital to this movement because we see that he is not doing this for fame or power but rather he is becoming a part of these women's lives. I find his work fascinating, captivating and completely PERFECT for the standard of how men should be responding to these issues. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and become aware of what is really out there. He literally takes on their burdens as his own and helps carry the load.

I encourage you to read the book because there is so much I can say about this modern day hero. His stories will keep you at the edge of your seat and if you have not met many men who have dedicated part of themselves to fighting for the honoring of women than I promise your faith in mankind will be restored by hearing his stories.

Follow Nick Kristof on Twitter: @NickKristof
or on the Web

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ladies, Let's Stand for Them All

Hello friends!

I hope this blog post finds you happy, passionate and full of joy and purpose. Things have been very busy lately, I apologize for the lack of posts...blogger was down for a couple weeks and I haven't been able to do anything. I hope that you have been shining your light and being a solution. I want you to know that although I have not posted, my mind is with my fellow world-changers always!

I wanted to share this music video with you. It is by Andy Grammer, and exceptional artist if I do say so myself! My cousin Alisha introduced his music to me. He is an up and coming artist that will have his cd out soon. The video is of his song called "Ladies." The lyrics are not out so I could not post them, but listen to the song carefully and it will rock your world.

In one song he completely explains my view on the treatment of women and also how we can change the way society sees women. Rather than seeing women like "Candy" we can teach our children and this generation to stand up for women, because each woman in a mother, sister a daughter or a wife to somebody. Friends we MUST implement change. Men are not the problem, but rather the opinions and standards that have been passed down are the problem. If we can create a healthy and positive image of women to young boys and men then they will grow up to respect and honor women and see them as the beautiful, fierce, intelligent beings that we were born to be. The reason sex trafficking and other horrendous situations exist is because of ignorance. Like the song says WE MUST STAND FOR THEM ALL. We must refuse to stay ignorant and we must refuse injustice. We have to fight to establish the respect and honor for women that should have always been there. People must realize that ever person...MAN or woman, came from a WOMAN. It is time for us to start voicing our opinions and being examples of strong individuals. There are so many awesome men that have already begun to do this and we will be highlighting their efforts in the weeks to come. Men like this are world changers who have decided to stand and cherish and value women as all men should. This is vital and necessary so that future generations will rise up and break the cycle of violence and hate that has sadly fallen upon women.

My Passionate, Strong, Wonderful, Beautiful ladies...LET'S STAND FOR THEM ALL!

Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Not Just Overseas--It's in Our Own Backyard

How a Hero Saved Two Women From Sex Slavery in NYC

The blogosphere was buzzing with rumors last spring that a young Manhattan woman had rescued two Russian college students from sexual slavery on Coney Island. Many people thought the whole thing was a hoax. Turns out, the story was true: Marie Claire editor-at-large Abigail Pesta tracked down the Russian women for an exclusive interview, and learned of their terrifying ordeal. Their story illustrates just how easily young foreign women can find themselves enslaved.

The Russian women explained how they flew to Washington D.C. for summer jobs as lifeguards — then found out the jobs had fallen through. That's when the women received new instructions from the Russian company that had arranged the jobs: Get on a bus to New York City and meet a guy named George at a nightclub on Coney Island, at midnight. Yikes. (A flier for the club, which has since closed, is pictured here.)

The scenario had all the signs of human trafficking. Here's how young foreign women are often ensnared: A woman is offered a regular-sounding job, which falls through, leaving her in a vulnerable situation. She gets sent to a new "job," where her passport is seized and she's told she has to "earn" it back, usually through sex work. If she doesn't obey, she faces beatings and threats against her family back home. Hard to believe? Sex trafficking is a $32 billion global business, and that includes America.

In the case of the two Russian women, something astonishing happened: A young woman in Manhattan named Kathrine Gutierrez Hinds learned of the women's plight from a blog post on the site MetaFilter. The post had been made by a guy in North Dakota named Daniel Reetz. He knew one of the Russian women from when he taught English in Russia a few years back. He thought the women were headed for danger, and needed help. So Kathrine stepped in, taking the women into her home, defying potential mobsters, and risking her own safety. You can read the whole crazy story on The Daily Beast.

Read more: How a Hero Saved Two Women From Sex Slavery in NYC - Marie Claire

Dear Fellow Readers,

Discovering this article delighted me in many ways. I loved hearing that a woman from a busy, anonymous city like Manhattan possesses so much passion for helping others that she deliberately sought to help her fellow woman when she found a need. Katherine literally sprang into action to help these two Russian woman. Truly she saved their lives--at no small cost to her own safety and peace of mind. How many of us can say we’ve done that?

And I was also delighted to see that so many of the blog readers were eager to help the girls as well. This showed me that there are still good people out there. They just tend to stay quiet until the need inspires them into action.

This was a victory story. Unfortunately, it is one of only a few. Reading of the terrifying plight of these girls disturbed me greatly. Disturbed me because this happened right in our own American backyard. This was not some far away account of sex trafficking in the Ukraine or South America. It was certainly no TV show where the detective hunts down the bad guys and good always triumphs in the end. These women escaped slavery by the skin of their teeth. This was a very real account of a very real evil in our country. This terrifying beast is here--Manhattan, Texas, San Diego. All of these places were mentioned by the slave ring in the news article. So if it exists in these places, what is to stop it from existing in your town, your city, down the street from your grocery store?

I’ll leave you with that sobering thought. These women were lucky, but most of these endings aren’t so happy. Are you ok with that? What if it’s not a visitor to our country next time, but our own daughters? It is possible; I doubt these women ever dreamt something like this could happen to them.

Fellow readers, think on this possibility. The threat is real. The question is: What are you going to do about it?

Passionately Awake,

Brittany Howard

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer." -albert camus

Invincible. Not lacking confidence. Feeling like you not only COULD change the world but rather you CAN change the world and NOBODY can stop you. When was the last time you felt invincible? I dream of women feeling like they are more than just their body, their sexuality, and their status. I dream that women can break free from the walls that society has built and embrace the strength and power that is deep within them. We live in a time of sex trafficking, rape and horrific injustice to women as a whole. By seeing that YOU are in fact INVINCIBLE, you have the POWER to invoke change and bring answers to a hurting world.

I am beautiful.
I am wonderful.
I am loved.
I am stunning.

Those were very powerful words you just spoke about yourself, so why do you feel weird saying them? We live in a society that makes it almost impossible to survive in as women. Phrases like the ones you just read are becoming more difficult to say as the days pass by. We believe in so many different things. It is amazing to watch women place so much faith in things that are really so temporary and not see that with confidence they are invincible.

My dream is to see women love themselves again. To be able to say the phrases in the beginning of this post with no doubt, insecurity or discomfort. How many times do we say or hear phrases like:

I’m so fat.
I wish I could look like her.
If only he would notice me.
I hate the way I look.

I believe that we are so used to hearing these things because women have forgot what beauty is. Really it is not their fault. We have been lied too when it comes to defining beauty and worth. Television shows, movies, books, and magazines have defined it for us. The phrase “She looks too thin” has become foreign to us and has been replaced with the much to common phrase “She isn’t thin enough.” We have been told beauty is tan, medium height and sexually alluring. A teacher in college once told my class that society has given a charge to women that they must bee both sexy and virginal. I hope you laughed as you read that because I still find the concept idiotic. A complete oxy-moron, but something that society craves. I hate to break it to everyone but the “sexy virgin” is a myth. It is impossible to attain. However, with definitions and molds such as these it is no wonder this generation of young women are literally fighting for their lives. Where status and popularity dictate who they become, rather morals and strength in knowing that their imperfections really are stunning.

It is my dream that the words

I am beautiful.
I am wonderful.
I am loved.
I am stunning.

will no longer be strange and hard to say, but rather they will be a bold declaration of the amazing woman you are called to be and realize that you were not born to blend in but rather you were born to stand out. By raising your voice you are giving opportunity for other women to raise theirs. There is no need to be afraid. You are invincible. No one can stop you from being an answer to a problem. The only person that can stop you, is you.

Stand tall. Be empowered by your beauty, grace and inner strength. YOU WERE MADE FOR THIS.

-Bethany Morton-Gannaway

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Girl Effect

Hey there!

I hope all of you are doing well. Her Voice Is has been crazy busy lately. Researching and reading and planning strategy! We have been working on ways to get the word out about the blog and have been coming up with some creative ideas that we will be sharing soon! We want to thank you for telling people about us and raising your voice...believe me you are making a difference! Even mentioning it to one person can cause a chain reaction that can lead to someones freedom. You are powerful and strong. Never forget how BIG your voice is and although you may feel quiet your story may BE LOUD to someone else.

Today, I have the honor and privilege of doing an Organization highlight. I will be introducing to you the FABULOUS org called THE GIRL EFFECT. If you have not already heard about them it is a world shaking, passionate cause to see lasting change in GENERATIONS of women. This is important because what I find so amazing is that this organization is not only attempting to solve the present problem, but they are solving future problems as well. They are becoming answers. Answers to problems that will never come about because they chose to ACT NOW.

I have provided a video so that you may see one of the main causes that they are fighting for. It all starts with a 12 year old girl. If we can provide funds and support then we are able to stop the spreading of HIV, AIDS and child trafficking. I encourage you to WATCH THE VIDEO. It will change your life. This organization is one of the most heart gripping organizations out there. I think I am so drawn to it because it is something REAL. It is something GENUINE. I find it endearing that the website is so functional and ready and willing to provide materials to help spread the word. They do not care who gets the credit...they only care about results. That is how I want to be. I want to be a voice that produces results...not just wishful thinking. I encourage you today, raise your voice against injustice. THE GIRL EFFECT offers a chance for you to be an answer NOW and TOMORROW. The 12 year old girl is waiting. Let's raise our voice so that she may raise hers.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Live Passionately

 dive for dreams

dive for dreams
or a slogan may topple you
(trees are their roots
and wind is wind)
trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love
though the stars walk backward)
honour the past
but welcome the future
(and dance your death
away at the wedding)
never mind a world
with its villains or heroes
(for good likes girls
and tomorrow and the earth)
in spite of everything
which breathes and moves, since Doom
(with white longest hands
neating each crease)
will smooth entirely our minds
-before leaving my room
i turn, and (stooping
through the morning) kiss
this pillow, dear
where our heads lived and were.

Dear Fellow Warriors,

I’m writing to you today with an inspired heart. This poem written by e.e. cummings is such an inspiration. Cummings was such an innovative artist of his craft, not afraid to branch away from convention and pursue his passion for words without shame.
But this poem is more than just a fun read. These lines give us a powerful insight into our role in this world. Dive into your dreams, Cummings says. In other words--live passionately! We have been given this time on earth, not to waste on things we don’t love, but to find that one thing we are passionate about and go after it with all of our hearts. This is our chance to spend every day loving what we do and using that love to bless other people.

Each and every one of us has a calling given specifically to us that we are to use to make a difference to the world. Yet, life has a tendency to get in the way of allowing us to pursue this calling. As women especially, we can fall into a routine--our jobs, families, and homes take first priority. The ability to care for our families is such a privilege, but as a result of this, unfortunately our desires tend to get put on the back burner. It is easy to get numb to what is going on around us--to get caught up in the little, everyday tasks, and forget that there is a bigger world around us. Many of us want to be passionate, we long to get fired up about the issues we see--issues like sex trafficking, and injustice to women, children, everyone--but being passionate takes so much energy and time. Two things we usually don’t have at the end of the day.

But…though this is true, I, for one, refuse to settle for that! I am on a mission to strip away the non-essentials in my life, to open up my time for the things that really matter. Early this year, I realized how tired I was of not being able to feel passionate about anything because I was too tired or busy. Too much of the time I just felt numb or I ignored the big issues. I vowed that my goal this year is to simplify my life and open up to the things I am passionate about.

I am writing to encourage all of you to “dive for dreams”--to fall into passion and purpose without reservation or hesitation. Live your days to the fullest--“trust your heart…honour the past but welcome the future”. If it is but a thirty-minute segment of your day, find your passion and give it that time. If you write down an idea, or plan, or create but one thing you are passionate about in a day, that’s one more thing of passion that now exists to benefit the world.

Readers, let’s get passionate! Let’s get inspired! Let’s dance away your death at the wedding because the world needs us and we can make a difference if we are passionate enough to go after it!

By: Brittany Howard (Co-Founder and Feature Writer)

Poem retrieved from